LAC Local government paper cover
Measurement and monitoring

Women in local government in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2023

February 2024
UN Women and United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

This brief presents a regional analysis of recent trends in women’s representation in local government
using data for SDG indicator 5.5.1b. The analysis shows that women’s representation in local government
is lower in the region compared to the world, and at the current rate of progress, the SDG target of gender
parity is unlikely to be achieved by 2030. A few countries have closed the gender gap, with the support
of legislation that ensures parity (50/50) in elected positions, such as well-designed electoral quotas and
other measures to address the barriers that limit women's political participation. Most countries, however,
are lagging, using less ambitious quotas or no quotas at all. To bolster women’s political participation at
local level, bold actions are needed, including legislative changes that promote gender parity through
the implementation of quotas, policies and other temporary special measures to accelerate women’s
participation, comprehensively address structural gender inequality, and enhance data and statistics.