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Women in decision-making positions

Government organization

Japan is a unitary monarchy with two spheres of government: central and local.

One tier of central government and two tiers of local government
Central government
  • Head of State: The Emperor assumes the role hereditarily.
  • Head of Government: The Prime Minister is designated from among members of the National Diet and appointed by the Emperor.
  • Legislative body: The National Diet is a bicameral legislature, with an upper house (the House of Councilors), and a lower house (the House of Representatives). Members of the National Diet are directly elected by voters.
  • Executive body: The Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister and ministers of state appointed by the Prime Minister
Local government
  • Organization: Local government in Japan is organized into two tiers: an upper tier of 47 prefectural-level local government units, and a lower tier of 1,741 municipalities (which includes the wards of Tokyo). Of the 47 prefectures, there are 43 rural prefectures, two urban prefectures (Osaka and Kyoto), one district (Hokkaido), and one metropolis (Tokyo). The Prefecture of Tokyo, as a metropolis, is further divided into 23 special wards (which have the same status, competencies, and government structure as the municipalities).
  • Competencies: Local government is responsible for imposing duties or restricting rights through by-laws, enforcing the by-laws, enacting regulations, fixing the budget, levying local taxes, and performing its own community affairs.
  • Ministerial oversight: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Overview of local government

Local government composition
Prefectural-level government

Deliberative body: The assembly is composed of 40-130 elected members. An assembly president is elected by and from the assembly to preside over it; the assembly president is not vested with executive powers.

Executive body: The executive department is composed of a governor, an assistant governor, and commissioners elected by and from the assembly.


Deliberative body: The assembly is composed of 12-96 elected members. An assembly president is elected by and from the assembly to preside over it; the assembly president is not vested with executive powers.

Executive body: The executive department is composed of a mayor, an assistant mayor, and commissioners elected by and from the assembly.

Local government elections
Electoral system

Electoral system for local deliberative bodies: majority/plurality (first-past-the-post or single non-transferable vote)

  • Voting may take place municipality-wide or through constituencies. The number of members to be elected varies by constituency. The winner or winners will be those who get the most valid votes. Voters cast a single vote.

Electoral system for governors/mayors: majority/plurality (first-past-the-post)

  • Governors/mayors are directly elected by voters using a plurality electoral system.

Source: Public Offices Election Act, 1945 (amended through 2022), articles 12, 15.8, 36, 46 and 95.

  • Gender quotas: No        
  • Additional quotas: No
Term of elections
  • Term length: 4 years
  • Last local elections: 2019
  • Next local elections: 2023
Electoral management body

Election Commission of Japan


1. UN Women: Data on share of women in local government as of 1 January 2023.

2. UN Women: Information on Head of State and Government as of 3 October 2023.

3. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU): Data on share of women in the single/lower chamber of parliament as of 1 January 2023.

4. IPU and UN Women: Data on share of women in ministerial positions as of 1 January 2023.

5. Information on local government organization as of 1 January 2023.