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Women in decision-making positions

Government organization

Chile is a unitary republic with two spheres of government: central and local.

One tier of central government and two tiers of local government: regions and municipalities.
Central government
  • Head of State: The President is directly elected by voters.
  • Head of Government: The President is the Head of State and Head of Government.
  • Legislative body: The National Congress is a bicameral legislature, with an upper house (the Senate) and a lower house (the Chamber of Deputies). Members of the National Congress are directly elected by voters.
  • Executive body: The Ministers of State are appointed by the President.
Local government
  • Organization: Local government is organized into two tiers: an upper tier of 16 regional-level local government units and a lower tier of 346 municipalities.
  • Autonomies: Local government is primarily responsible for managing the assets of the locality, drafting local regulations, and approving and executing the local budget.
  • Ministerial oversight: The Ministry of the Interior and Public Security

Overview of local government

Local government composition
Regional-level government (regiones)

Deliberative body: The regional council (consejo regional) is composed of 14-34 elected members. The regional governor (gobernador regional) presides over the regional council; the regional governor is also vested with executive powers.

Executive body: The regional governor is the executive of the regional level of government.

Municipalities (municipios)

Deliberative body: The municipal council (concejo municipal) is composed of 6-10 elected members. The mayor (alcalde) presides over the municipal council; the mayor is also vested with executive powers.

Executive body: The mayor is the executive of the municipal level of government.

Local government elections
Electoral system

Electoral system for the local deliberative bodies: proportional representation (open list)

  •  Municipal councils are made up of councilpersons elected by direct suffrage, through a proportional representation system with open lists.

Electoral system for the regional governors and mayors: majority/plurality

  • Regional governors and mayors are directly elected by voters using a majority electoral system, in which a candidate must obtain at least 40% of the total votes, using a separate ballot from the local deliberative body election.

Source: Constitution, 1980 (amended through 2022), article 118 (election of the mayor); Law on Regional Government and Administration, 2005 (amended through 2022), article 96; Law on the Municipalities, 2006 (amended through 2022), articles 72, 121, 122 and 123

  • Gender quotas: No
  • Additional quotas: No
Term of elections
  • Term length: 4 years
  • Last local elections: 2021
  • Next local elections: 2025
Electoral management body

Electoral Service of Chile


1. UN Women: Data on share of women in local government as of 1 January 2023.

2. UN Women: Information on Head of State and Government as of 3 October 2023.

3. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU): Data on share of women in the single/lower chamber of parliament as of 1 January 2023.

4. IPU and UN Women: Data on share of women in ministerial positions as of 1 January 2023.

5. Information on local government organization as of 1 January 2023.