There are constitutional provisions that establish local government in Bolivia. According to Articles 269, 270, and 272 of the Political Constitution of the Pluri-National State of Bolivia of 2009 (amended through 2013), “Bolivia is organized territorially into departments, provinces, municipalities and rural native indigenous territories. The principles that govern territorial organization and the decentralized and autonomous territorial entities are: unity, voluntariness, solidarity, equity, the common good, self government, equality, complementariness, reciprocity, gender equity, subsidiarity, gradualness, coordination and institutional faithfulness, transparency, public participation and control, provision of economic resources and the pre-existence of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, under the terms established in this Constitution. Autonomy implies the direct election of the authorities by the citizens, the administration of its economic resources, and the exercise of legislative, regulatory, fiscal and executive authority by the organs of the autonomous government in the area of its jurisdiction, competence and authority.”
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