Electoral system for local deliberative bodies: proportional representation (closed list)
- Members are directly elected in accordance with the proportional representation regime. Each commune and municipality forms a single district. In some provinces, half of the council members are elected every two years; each council member serving a 4-year term.
Electoral system for intendents: majority/plurality (first-past-the-post)
- Intendents are directly elected by voters using a majority (first-past-the-post) system.
Sources: Constitution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, 1996, article 130; Constitution of the Province of Buenos Aires, 1994 (amended through 2013), articles 60 and 190; Constitution of the Province of Catamarca, 1988 (amended through 2019), article 247; Constitution of the Province of Chaco, 1994 (amended through 2013), articles 90.4), 90.6), 185 and 193; Constitution of the Province of Chubut, 2010, article 230; Constitution of the Province of Cordoba, 1987 (amended through 2001), articles 182 and 183; Constitution of the Province of Corrientes, 2007, articles 71, 220 and 221; Constitution of the Province of Entre Rios, 2008, articles 91, 234 and 236; Constitution of the Province of Formosa, 2003, article 180; Constitution of the Province of Jujuy, 1986, article 184; Constitution of the Province of La Pampa, 1994, articles 49; Constitution of the Province of La Rioja, 2008, articles 81 and 171; Constitution of the Province of Mendoza, 1916 (amended through 2007), articles 197 and 198; Constitution of the Province of Misiones, 1967 (amended through 2020), article 163; Constitution of the Province of Neuquén, 2006, article 301; Constitution of the Province of Rio Negro, 1988 (amended through 2010), article 228; Constitution of the Province of Salta, 1998 (amended through 2003), article 171; Constitution of the Province of Santa Fe, 1962, article 107; Constitution of the Province of San Juan, 2014, articles 244 and 245; Constitution of the Province of San Luis, 1987 (amended through 2011), articles 102 and 257; Constitution of the Province of Santa Cruz, 1998, articlenesmunicipales s 143 and 145; Constitution of the Province of Santiago del Estero, 2005, articles 44, 207, 209 and 210; Constitution of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, 1991, articles 176, 177 and 180; Constitution of the Province of Tucuman, 2006, article 133.
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